Ftl faster than light boarding drones
Ftl faster than light boarding drones

ftl faster than light boarding drones

They pass through shields and cause a hull breach in the section they impact, making it that much harder to kill them if they're attacking a system. They're essentially Rockmen boarders but with the attack power of a Mantis and an immunity to suffocation. Fortunately, having the Long-Range Scanners augment you can see the storms from afar and avoid them accordingly. When you have to juggle power between your weapons, shields, engines, and life support, you can expect the enemy waiting for you to put some big holes in your hull before you make it out of there. This works on your enemy, too, but they can generally manage greater reactor output than you can. Running into one cuts your reactor output in half and depowers systems at random accordingly. Plasma Storms, a randomly occurring environmental effect in Nebula nodes.For the Stealth B, which depends on One-Hit Kill tactics with its Glaive Beam to prevent (most) damage in the early game, that extra round is an eternity of vulnerability which can easily cost you the game. Furthermore, the Zoltan Shield takes at least one round of combat to knock out, three if you're unlucky.

ftl faster than light boarding drones

And ships that start with no weapons at all have no option except to run, since the shield blocks out teleporters and boarding drones ( Advanced Edition adds an augment that can bypass it, but getting that is hit or miss).

ftl faster than light boarding drones

That's basically one whole dead ship in the early sectors. A Zoltan shield takes five damage to knock offline, which is the equivalent of three missiles. Zoltan Shielded enemy ships for any ship whose direct-damage offensive capability is either completely dependent on missiles (Rock A, Slug B), or just flat out non-existent (Mantis B, Unidentified B).The Zoltan B also has it easier since it can acquire regular shields earlier than the Stealth cruisers can. The Zoltan B has temporary protection with its Zoltan shield but drones tend to tear through it fairly rapidly, but like a cloak, this still buys you some time to charge your weapons and try to disable the enemy's drone control. The Stealth C has it that much worse, as its only protection from drones is the fairly unreliable Anti-Drone and its slow-charging Shield Overcharger, as it lacks a cloak in spite of being a Stealth cruiser.

#Ftl faster than light boarding drones Offline#

But with the Stealth B, you have to wait and suffer, and if your weapon systems are hit, your power-hungry Glaive Beam goes offline and your only option is to try and run. With the Stealth A (Nesasio), you can still go under cloak early and try to take out the enemy drone control with your first volley.

ftl faster than light boarding drones

The Stealth ships cannot conveniently cloak away from the almost continuous drone fire like they can with ship-to-ship weaponry volleys (not that the Stealth C can do that anyway), so hull damage becomes inevitable. This includes all 3 of the Stealth cruisers, and to a lesser extent the Type B Zoltan cruiser.

  • Attack drones and beam drones for any ship that doesn't have a proper shield system, seeing as the drones have higher damage-per-second than regular weapons at the cost of burst damage capability, and are hence particularly lethal against unshielded targets.
  • And your crew is so slow that any boarders will have probably destroyed a system or two by the time you finally catch up to them. If enemies board you, you cannot simply vent the room they're in, you have to chase them around with your crew.
  • The Rock B has no external doors, and the crew of four Rockmen are sturdy but very, very slow.
  • The Type B though has no starting medbay, and it depends on its Healing Bursts to keep its three-Slug crew alive, so if weapon systems go offline or you run out of missiles, you have no way to heal your crew. It's not quite as bad for the Type A since Slugs can telepathically track the enemy boarders, and the Type A helps its two-Slug starting crew by being pre-equipped with blast doors.
  • The first two Slug cruisers, but especially the Type B.
  • On the other hand, it also gave Zoltans the special ability to explode and damage enemies when they die, giving at least a little hope to the Zoltan Type C with its clone bay. Their Zoltan Shield augment can prevent enemy ships from using their teleporters or launching boarding drones while it's active, but the Advanced Edition introduces a special augment that allows enemies (and the player) to get past it, and several random events involve its use. Due to their reliance on Zoltan crewmembers for power, relocating them to different rooms to fight off boarders may cause ship systems to lose power, resulting in weapons getting canceled, cloaks getting deactivated, shields dropping, etc.

    Ftl faster than light boarding drones